Being a full time blogger definitely creates some fantastic opportnities ... Thanks to Justmylook I have been given the chance to offer something more to you guys who decided to join me on my blogging journey. It is may way of saying thank you, because without you, there would be no me. I am giving you a chance to 5 unique pieces of makeup, which I selected myself to create the Victoria Beckham Smokey eyes look. All you need to do to participate is follow the instruction on my Instagram page - marta_szrejter.
Bycie blogerka, na pewno stwarza fantastyczne mozliwosci i dzisiaj wlasnie o tym. Dzieki wspolpracy ze sklepem internetowym Justmylook mam okazje podarowac swoim czytelnikom cos wiecej. Jest to moja forma podziekowania, poniewaz bez was nie byloby mnie. Daje wam dzisiaj szanse na wygranie 5 produktow do makijazu, ktore sama wyselekcjonowalam do stworzenia makeupu inspirowanego Victoria Beckham. Aby wziasc udzial w konkursie, musicie dostosowac sie do instrukcji na moim profilu Instagramowym.
Why Victoria?
She is an incredably strong woman on the inside and stunning on the outside. She is a great mum to her kids, likewise managed to develop a fantastic career to herself. She will forever inspire me.
Dlaczego Victoria?
Jest to niesamowita kobieta i silnym wnetrzu i oszalamiajacej urodzie. Jest swietna mama dla swoich dzieci oraz sukcesywnie rozwija swoja kariere od lat. Zawsze bedzie mnie inspirowala.
The winner will receive:
• Urban Decay Naked Ultimate Basics 12 Eye Colour Eyeshadow Palette
• Ardell Professional Individual Lashes Medium
• Fab Brows, Duo Eyebrow Kit in shade of your choice
• St.Tropez 3 in 1 Bronzing Powder (the darkest out of the three)
• Artdeco Collagen Lip Buster
Winner will be announced on : 26 Feb 2018
Good Luck Everyone !
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